Author’s guidelines


  • 1.1. International Scientific Conference UNITECH accepts for publishing scientific reports in the following scientific areas: natural sciences, engineering, precision engineering, electrical engineering, automation, computing equipment and social sciences. The volume of the reports should not exceed 6 (six) standard pages including figures and tables. Publications should be written in English or Bulgarian. The title of the report, Author’s name/s, abstracts and bibliographic information should be necessarily written in English and Bulgarian.
  • 1.2. Submissions to International Scientific Conference UNITECH are made through the online system for submission and reviewing materials on:

  • 1.3.  Registration in UNITECH

    For registration or log in to UNITECH, please follow the instructions described below:

    • please log in to:;
    • Select Registration (in case of initial registration of the author) or Entry/ Login (in case of already registered authors);
    • Your user name will be the e-mail address indicated at the time of the registration, and the password will be sent to the specified e-mail.
  • 1.4. Applications for participation in The International Scientific Conference UNITECH should be only made through the electronic module for submission of materials. In order to do this, authors need to create a profile and / or log in to existing, if previously registered.

     Before submitting their reports, authors are kindly asked to carefully read the "Requirements for the layout and structure of the reports

    Once you sign in to your account, press the “Reports” button. The process of submission a report includes two basic steps:

    Step 1: Registration of an author/s and report:

    • Title of the report (it is obligatory to have a title in English);
    • Summary of the report (obligatory in English, up to 200 words);
    • Section of the report (selected from the drop-down menu);
    • Author/s ’s information (names of author/s – obligatory in English);

    Step 2: Attach the full text or the report.

    The full text of the report must be placed in the “Layout file”, in strict compliance with the "Requirements for the layout and structure of the reports.

  • 1.5. Received reports are reviewed for compliance with the requirements to the authors by a member of the organizing committee. Reports that meet the requirements are eligible for reviewing. Reports that do not meet the requirements shall be returned for reviewing to the authors.

  • 1.6. The UNITECH Program Committee defines for each of the submitted reports two independent reviewers. Reviews are made within the deadlines specified in the schedule for organizing the International Scientific Conference UNITECH and in compliance with the reviewers’s requirements.

  • 1.7. Reviewing of articles shall be done in accordance with the standards for the evaluation of manuscripts through the single-blind peer review system. Leading role in the reviewers‘ s assessments are the following criteria: originality of the theme , scientific value, applicability of results, completeness of the theme, report’s structure ( accuracy and clarity of the abstract describing the main text, logic of the structure and sequence of the exposition, relevance of the methodology, validity of the results, proving the thesis, validity of findings and conclusions, propriety and relevance of citations, accuracy and clarity of language), layout and style. The decision of the reviewers can be:
    • publishing without changes (accepted);
    • publishing after making recommendations (minor corrections);
    • refusal to publish (rejected).
  • 1.8. If the reviewers commit a decision for revising the report, authors should review and answer to the received by e-mail written comments, revise and re-submit the corrected report within the prescribed period. The new version of the report is reviewed by the reviewers and they commit a decision to publish the report or rejection to be published.
  • 1.9. Аll reports will be screened through a plagiarism detection process.
  • 1.10. The final decision to publish the reports is taken by the Organizing Committee based on the conclusions of the reviews.
  • 1.11. In case of contradictory conclusions of the reviews, the Program Committee assigns an additional reviewer/s.
  • 1.12. All reports that are accepted for publication are printed in a collection of UNITECH’ reports (print and CD). Part of the reports, which have received the highest scores in the reviews, are selected by the Programming and Organizing Committees as "Selected Reports by UNITECH", which are published on-line on the conference website with open access.